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Interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive incomeFOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JANUARY 2022

Figures in Rand thousand  Notes Unaudited 
for the 
six months to 
31 January 
for the     
six months to     
31 January     
Continuing operations 
Revenue     7  2 979 854  3 515 901     
Cost of sales  (2 118 847) (2 596 869)    
Gross profit  861 007  919 032     
Net financial asset impairment reversals/(losses)    9  4 157  (80 168)    
Operating expenses  (702 778) (826 413)    
Operating profit  162 386  12 451     
Investment income  4 446  6 881     
Share of equity-accounted profit  –  1 552     
Finance costs  (97 129) (138 568)    
Profit/(loss) before taxation  69 703  (117 684)    
Taxation  (29 847) (51 248)    
Profit/(loss) for the period from continuing operations  39 856  (168 932)    
(Loss)/profit for the period from discontinued operations     10  (17 679) 29 166     
Profit/(loss) for the period  22 177  (139 766)    
Other comprehensive income 
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss 
Reclassification of foreign currency translation differences on loss of control and joint control^  –  (2 033)    
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations^  14 184  (28 474)    
Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the period  36 361  (170 273)    
Profit/(loss) attributable to: 
Owners of EOH Holdings Limited  21 139  (140 690)    
Non-controlling interests  1 038  924     
22 177  (139 766)    
Total comprehensive income/(loss) attributable to: 
Owners of EOH Holdings Limited  35 210  (168 465)    
Non-controlling interests  1 151  (1 808)    
36 361  (170 273)    
From continuing and discontinued operations (cents)
Earnings/(loss) per share  13  (83)    
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share  12  (83)    
From continuing operations (cents)
Earnings/(loss) per share  23  (100)    
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share  22  (100)    
* Refer to note 6 – Restatement of interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the impact on profit or loss.
# Comparative figures previously reported have been amended to reflect continuing operations prevailing for the six months ended 31 January 2022.
^ These components of other comprehensive income do not attract any tax.